Celebrities Worldwide

Celebrities Worldwide offers subscribers contact details for over 30,000 celebrities. Our service will put you in touch with official representatives of even the most hard-to-find celebrities.

Our team is available to help take away the burden of celebrity planning. UPFRONT is not restricted to a limited roster of celebrities, but can provide you with celebrity ideas to match your brief and budget, and negotiate terms to signature of contract for:
  • PR and Advertising Campaigns
  • Corporate Business and Charity Events
  • Product Endorsements
  • Film Premieres & other Red Carpet Events 
  • Guests & Presenters for Award Ceremonies, Launch Events, Photo calls, TV Shows, Film Festivals, Music Festivals, Opening Nights and Private Views
  • Personal Appearances
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Music Artists & Performers
With our experience and contacts worldwide, we can advise on new names to watch and let you enjoy the benefit of our strong relationships with celebrities and their representatives to deliver the best celebrities for your event or campaign almost anywhere in the world.
Our highly specialist booking agency offers a wide range of services, including:
  • Creating celebrity ideas lists
  • Generating bespoke on-brand guest lists
  • Negotiating artist fees and checking availabilities
  • Event management and PR
  • Advising on events which may conflict and clash with your own ongoing celebrity research
  • Advising on celebrity schedules
  • Arranging product placement
  • Contracting celebrities, event hosts and presenters
With over 15 years experience we have secured a wide range of celebrities including: Dame Helen Mirren, Rod Stewart, Davina McCall, Tom Odell, Stephen Fry, Vernon Kay, Dame Kelly Holmes, Cat Deeley, Jamie Oliver, Nicole Kidman, Victoria Beckham, Liz Hurley, Charlize Theron, Kylie Minogue, Jaime Winstone, Mick Jagger, Jonathan Ross, Kate Moss, Gwen Stefani, Cate Blanchett, Daisy Lowe, Stella McCartney, Thandie Newton, Keira Knightley, Jade Jagger, Robin Williams and Goldie Hawn to name just a few.
Booking ideas and contacts are sourced and checked from our extensive celebrity database Celebrities Worldwide which is updated daily and contains details for more than 30,000 celebrities and people working in the media and entertainment industry.
If you would like to speak with one of our celebrity bookers, please email:  info@upfronttv.com.
Please check out our Events page to see some of our recent events and celebrity guests.

Registered Company No: 2660496 | Registered Address: 17 Hart Street, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8RA