Frank Bisson

Ones To Watch

Wednesday 22nd March 2006

Say Goodbye to Scissors and Hello to the Revolutionary New Glass Cut
The cutting edge in hair styling coming to a salon near you soon!

Hairdressers will soon be binning the scissors as celebrity hairdresser Frank Bisson is about to change the way hair is cut throughout the world.  After seven years in development his revolutionary FB1™ Glass Hair Designer will be going into all the top hair salons across the world this year.  This specially designed glass blade is the sharpest tool ever invented for cutting hair, which means hair is cut cleanly creating healthier hair and eliminating split ends. Perfectly safe, the way the edge is serrated means it won’t cut skin and is excellent for texturing hair, enabling stylists to make thin hair appear thicker, straight hair more wavy and wavy hair straighter all without the use of any products.  In addition hair can hold a style without the need for any fixers such as gel, moose or hairspray, making it easier to manage and great for people with allergies or sensitive scalps.

However, hair is not the only thing the phenomenal FB1 cuts.  Its clever design also cuts the time it takes so you will be able to achieve a great re-style in your lunch break and still have time to pick up a sandwich. It also improves life for stylists as its easer to maneuver than scissors and a comb.

Inventor Frank Bisson has an award winning 17 years in the industry and his own salon WOW! in Manchester. He was awarded the prestigious Gold Medal from the International Inventions Show organised by the BBC for the FB1 Glass Hair Designer.  He has a number of celebrity clients, has developed hairdressing products for multi-national companies and is an advisor to the legal and medical professions as well as hairdressing courses and industry journals.

Another of Frank’s skills is his ability to cut hair blindfolded, as featured on LK Today (ITV) on 23 March 2006.  By feeling the texture of the hair and the shape of the head and face Frank can create the perfect style for a person safely and quickly using the FB1.

Frank Bisson Worldwide launched the FB1™ Glass Hair Designer to the trade in October 2005 at the Salon International Exhibition in London.  The idea came to him at an early age and in 1998 he started developing the glass technology and the glass production machinery with the help of Pilkington and The University of Manchester.  After seven years of research and development, the glass technology was perfected to give glass blades that are so sharp they cannot be measured by any device on the planet – truly beyond the cutting edge!  The University of Manchester described the FB1 glass blade as “…approaching atomic sharpness.” and stated that the only way of comprehending the sharpness of the FB1 glass blade is to imagine the edge of the FB1 glass blade as being the curb on the street pavement and the edge of a metal razor blade as being the top of Mount Everest. 

The FB1 is the first of many products in the ‘Frank Bisson Series’ to launch.  All products are invented by Frank Bisson himself and are prototyped and developed in-house. Frank maintains that money is not his motivation and that he intends to use the majority of the profits from his company and more to contribute towards worthy and Godly causes building homes, schools, hospitals and churches all over the world.


Frank Bisson