'Titan Quest' on PC

Ones To Watch

Friday 14th July 2006

By Philip Ellwood

'Titan Quest' is an adventurous new role-playing game set in the world of ancient Greek myths. The Titans have escaped and are wreaking havoc on earth. A hero must take on the challenge of the Titans and save civilization and the Gods. By progressing through a wealth of tasks and objectives you must overthrow the Titans once and for all.

The 'Titan Quest' world is a detailed and exciting one. The game offers a huge setting to explore and provides extensive gameplay. The game even allows players to customize their own characters and create their own levels. This potentially extends the life span of the game and ensures that gamers will keep returning to play. Over the course of the game you must complete objectives and tasks to progress. These include things like defeating tribes of monsters, saving citizens in the towns and finding objects. Along the way you meet a variety of mythical and scary creatures that you have to defeat.

The gameplay is at first quite confusing. There are a lot of controls to get used to and this can hinder your progress in the beginning stages of 'Titan Quest'. The battles happen very quickly and until you are used to the controls it is easy to become frustrated.  The battles are fast-paced and exciting and once you've got the hang of the different controls they are very enjoyable. Quite often you encounter a wealth of enemies and have to quickly implement a battle plan to avoid being killed. There is a good example of this early on in the game when you stumble across a cave where you must rescue a villager. The cave is full of creatures and is eerily dark. This particular task is quite scary and can be tricky; especially if like me, you run straight into the cave with complete abandon and find yourself completely surrounded by monsters.

There is a great deal of emphasis on the longevity of 'Titan Quest'. THQ have clearly designed it with a long-term plan. The game boasts over 1000 unique and legendary items and allows you to create characters from 28 classes. The World Editor is a nice edition to the package and allows the gamer to create their own Ancient World. 'Titan Quest' also allows you to play online with friends so you can team up and progress through the game together. This is a lot of fun and is an example of perfect online gaming. 'Titan Quest' is always engaging and incredibly addictive.

Another plus of 'Titan Quest' is the graphics. The settings are incredibly detailed and look stunning. They are amongst some of the best graphics I have seen in a PC game. The creatures you encounter are genuinely scary and the landscapes are beautiful. They really capture the feel and the look of the Ancient World.

My only real complaint about 'Titan Quest' is the repetition of items. I regularly found myself with no space in my inventory and many of the items you encounter along the way can be found too often. This takes away some of the difficulty of the game as you never really have to search that heard for objects. They can be found pretty much everywhere and usually in abundance.

All in all 'Titan Quest' is a satisfying and enjoying role-playing game. Anyone who has studied the classics will appreciate the game and its design and it is a must for fans of the role-playing genre. 'Titan Quest' is a triumph and once you begin playing it, it's difficult to stop!

Celebrities Worldwide Rating: 8 out of 10

Click here to buy 'Titan Quest' on PC


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